Sunday, April 27, 2014


This is the week of TCAP testing, which means there are changes to our schedule.  Boot camp is over, so we are back to regular Standard School Attire.  Students are encouraged to wear green and blue shirts as much as possible this week because those are the colors of proficient and advanced.

TCAP Tips:

Please be sure that students get a good night's sleep starting tonight.  Research shows that adolescents need a minimum of 8 hours of sleep.  Also, it is the sleep you have two nights before an event that matters most.  
Our testing begins on Tuesday morning, so a good sleep tonight will help prepare our students for Tuesday morning.  Tuesday is the longest day of testing.  We will test right up to 3:00 pm, which means early dismissals will not be allowed.  Once a student begins testing, they must stay in the testing room until the testing time is completed.

Please be sure your student is on time to school.  If the test begins before your student gets to school, he or she will have to wait until the next break to begin testing.

If you have snacks for TCAP week, please send those in.  Those are a big help for our students, and we appreciate all of those donations.

Thank you for all your help in making this week successful.  We know our students will do great!  

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

It's Time for the 2nd Annual Talent Showcase!

Back by popular demand!

The ITC PTSO's 2013 Talent Showcase was such a big hit we've decided to make it an annual event! Applications and audition requirements are linked here for your convenience: Application  Contract 

Please be advised that auditions are required for this event, and only 10 performances will be chosen for the Showcase.  

We've already been getting questions about the audition process, and so here's a quick outline of the pre-event schedule:

  • Application period is open now through April 25.  
  • Students who have turned in applications by 4/26 will be notified of their audition day - either April 28th or 30th.
  • Students who would like to view the qualifications for the performance may request a copy of the full contract for review.  Those who have already received contracts are free to study the information, but also understand that their placement in the performance is determined via audition.
  • Students selected for the talent show will be given a contract and must return the signed agreement page along with entry fee for participation.
  • Students then have the time up until the final rehearsal to modify their performance materials and times in accordance with the contract guidelines. 
  • Dress Rehearsal / Final Viewing on May 22, 7pm
Again: auditions are required, and space is limited - if your family or students are interested, please apply today!
It's a great night out, and we want YOU to join us!

Monday, April 14, 2014

Volunteer Opportunities for The Little Mermaid

Hello Creswell Families,

Do you want to be involved with our production of "The Little Mermaid, Jr." but are just not sure where to start?  Well you're in luck, because we've received a preliminary list of available volunteer opportunities from our staff!

Please see the list below - and check back for updates! - and contact Chel Rattray (  if you're interested in helping out.

Little Mermaid


            Drama Room/Green Room                 Backstage                    Light Booth

            Wings- Chel Rattray (some perf), Arts Team
Cat walk
            Run LCD and images from laptop                                         Fly in "scuttle"           
            Assist/Supervise set build                               Help with costumes (sewing a plus)              
            Focus Lighting instruments                            Sound-                       
            Fog machine controller                                   Strobe light supervisor                       
            Bubble blower operator                                  Follow spot supervisor (in balcony)   

            Cutting gels                                                     Hanging backdrop

            Fixing or stabilizing ladder/finding a 15 foot ladder/cherry picker

            Scene build in courtyard - collect "shipwreck" materials                                                         
            Creating a banner for the mezzanine          

            Framing past performances and installing in front hall

Creating a “history” board - process of rehearsals - dress

Montage/video of stills and rehearsal video to scroll in theatre hallway— contact Mrs. Hicks

Assisting with art installations for front foyer - contact Mrs. Bryant

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Build the Balcony!

You and your family now have a chance to be part of Creswell history!  

When Creswell was built, our balcony seats were not funded or installed.  We are raising the money to put those theater seats in.  This is the best time to give to Creswell because the district is matching every gift you give.  That means each dollar you give is worth double.  

Every person who gives to the campaign will be listed on the Build the Balcony Campaign page on our web site.  

If you choose to give in honor of or in memory of a loved one, you may choose to have that name listed instead.  For example, you may give for your child, and have your child's name listed on the web site.  Some of you may have a beloved family or friend who has passed, and you may list that person instead.

Those who give $200 or more to the campaign will have the name they choose listed on a plaque that will hang permanently in the foyer of our theater.  This is a special way for you or someone you love to be part of Creswell's ongoing success throughout the years.

Monday afternoon, we will send home a giving letter and sponsorship level.  When you give, please return the form to school with your donation to be sure it is credited properly. You may also choose to give online.  A link is included in this email message and will be available on our web site.

If you know community members or businesses who would like to give to our campaign, please let me know, and I will send you the business and community partner letters.

Ted Murcray

"The Little Mermaid, Jr." Ad Space NOW AVAILABLE!

We love to brag about our children!  In doing so we also show them how much we love, support and are proud of them.  

This production of Disney’s “The Little Mermaid” gives us a perfect way to really brag about our children and we have the perfect way to do just that!

In order to raise much needed funds for our production, we have decided to include personal ads from parent, grandparents, and others as a way of supporting our children.  If you are interested in purchasing ad space in our program, please click here to download the form and return it, along with payment, in an envelope to the Drama Department. 

If you are interested in purchasing ad space for a business, please click here.  

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Donate Healthy Snacks for TCAP Week

Easy Volunteer Opportunity

We are beginning to gear up for TCAPs, and our students need your help.  ITC will be TCAP testing April 30 -May 7, 2014, and we are asking for donations of non-perishable, healthy snacks to help ensure that our students can stay focused and succeed!

 Research shows that if students are well hydrated and well fed, their test taking ability is at its best. Munching on snacks in between tests helps to stimulate the brain, keeps the students awake and alert, and makes testing “fun.”

Some possible donations are: popcorn, Goldfish/cheese crackers, animal crackers and granola bars, etc.  We ask that all items be individually wrapped, and do not require refrigeration.

If you can help, please send any snack with your child during our collection period, April 7 - 25. We will evenly distribute the snacks at appropriate times during the testing period.

Top healthy snacks recommended from the web:
Sun Chips OriginalPayDay Peanut Caramel Bar
Veggie Pirate's BootyHostess 100 Calorie Packs Chocolate Cupcakes
Snyder's of Hanover Multi Grain Pretzel SticksEmerald 100 Calorie Packs Natural Walnuts and Almonds
Terra Sweet Potato ChipsKraft South Beach Living Dark Chocolate Covered Soynuts
Stacy's Simply Naked Pita ChipsKashi TLC Oatmeal Raisin Flax Cookies
Mariani Ultimate Dried Apricots (Whole) From
Sun-Maid Dried Peaches (Halves)Natural Value Fruit Leather
Sun-Maid RaisinsStretch Island Fruit Leather
Old London Whole Grain Melba ToastQuaker Multigrain Fiber Crisps
Atkins Advantage Peanut Butter Granola BarClif Kid Organic Bar
Kind Almond Cashew Plus Omega-3 BarLance Whole Grain Crackers with Peanut Butter

We will also need assistance sorting and distributing these snacks.  If you are available, please contact for more information.

Please look for reminders in the coming days via our social media sites, or sign up now for text alerts via Remind101!