Monday, August 26, 2013

E-Blast 8.26.2013

Dear Parents,

This week we have several important announcements:

Test scores are coming home this week.  We are excited about the progress our students made last year.  We have also set rigorous goals for this year, and hope to see all of our students move up one whole proficiency level in each subject area.  You should be able to see your child's personal goals by the end of the week.
Mandatory After School Tutoring begins on Wednesday. The purpose is to help every child achieve at higher levels by giving them a great place they can learn.  Please check your child's planner daily to see if they have missing work.  
We have several high-quality after school programs beginning next week.  One has a career focus and the two have a strong arts focus.  Availability in these programs is extremely limited.  Please contact our counselor, Dr. Jenkins, for more information about these programs.  In addition, you might be hearing from Dr. Jenkins or Mrs. Garrett about a tutoring program focused on math.  That program will be by invitation.  If you are concerned about your student's math scores, please contact Dr. Jenkins about this opportunity.
The Visual Art Department is having its 3rd Annual Smart Card Fundraiser. Smart Cards for Davidson and surrounding counties are now on sale for $15 each. All proceeds will buy art materials for student use! Please contact Carrie Bryant for additional information.
Finally, the results are in!  We have the names of our students who have made the volleyball team and cheer squad.  Those will be announced this week, and we are proud of all the Comets who did a great job during the tryouts.

Thank you for your attention on these announcements.  Have a great week!

Monday, August 19, 2013

Picture Day Reminders

Dear Parents,

This is a friendly reminder that tomorrow is Picture Day at Creswell. Please encourage your child to dress his or her best! The general requirements of the dress code always apply, but the more specific standard school attire does not.

Here are the general requirements students need to follow tomorrow:


• Students will wear clothing of appropriate size. Appropriate sizes are defined as no more than one size smaller or one size larger than the student’s actual clothing size. There has been some confusion in the past because vendors are selling clothing that has a particular size on it, but the pants are way too tight or too saggy. To help with that, clothing must not be tight up against the skin. There should be a “flow” to the clothing that shows the clothes are large enough to fit properly. Pants, shorts, capri pants, skorts or skirts must fit at the waist and must not sag. Pants made of stretch material, such as rayon or lycra, are not allowed.

• All clothing must be hemmed. No drawstrings, cut-offs or rolled-up cuffs are allowed on pants, capri pants, shorts or skirts.

• Torn clothing or see-through clothing is prohibited. This includes blouses or dresses made of chiffon, rayon, or any other see-through material.

• Clothing that advertises substances that are illegal for teens (drugs, alcohol, tobacco products) or language or writing that is otherwise inappropriate or offensive (sex, profanity, racial or ethnic slurs, gang related attire, etc.) may not be worn.

• Tattoos that display drugs, alcohol or tobacco products, or gang- or sex-related words or images must not be seen at any time.

• Chains, spiked accessories and belt buckles with concealed weapons are not permissible. Belts may not hang down as a “tail” from the belt loop.

Friday, August 16, 2013

Help Needed for Picture Day!

Hello Creswell Parents,

This Tuesday, august 20th, is our school-wide picture day.  Come looking your best - SSA, of course!
Pictures will be taken first thing in the morning from 8am-noon.  We need parents to be there to assist getting our kids to the photographer.   The first four parents that volunteer to help this morning will receive a "free" picture package!!
Please reply to as soon as you know you're available and we will get you on the list. 
Thank you for helping our school!